Monday, February 10, 2014

New Fav App

So I jumped on the Candy Crush bandwagon about a year ago. I am currently on Level heard me right...Level 500! Surprisingly, this level is hard, and I am slightly bored with it! (I have even completed the Dream World levels). You could stay I am pretty good at this game!

Recently, Flappy Bird began an overnight success. Sadly, I did not want to jump on that bandwagon.  People were going crazy at my school with it! All of my students were trying to compare scores and how much they loathed the game for its temperamentalness.

So instead of playing this game, I did some investigating and discovered a game called Threes! It deals with math which being a math teacher I love! You have to combine 1's and 2's to make 3's and then combine 3's to make 6's and then 6's to make 12's and so on.  It is very addictive and a very big battery drainer! Bryan and I are competing to get the highest score! (Right now I am winning with 3,300!)

So if you are tired of playing Candy Crush and Flappy Bird, try out Threes! I see it becoming a big hit!


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