Thursday, March 20, 2014

Life is a Honey Badger

I don't like to do this, but I am going to write an emotional, love life post.

Bear with we go!

So lately, I have just been living me life. Somewhat enjoying my days (I mean work isn't always fun!). I had a plan....get married in a year os so, have a kid in a few years, get tenured, get my masters, and have a few more kids.  Everything was going to plan.  But really the only thing you can plan on is that life doesn't give a shit about your plans. Life is a honey badger because a honey badger don't give a shit! (If you have no clue what I am talking about, youtube honey badger don't care!)

I got a bomb dropped on me last week which is why I have been MIA for a bit! It has made me rethink everything in my life.  I have experienced all of the stages of grief in about two days which was a work out in itself! And God bless my best friend, Meagan, for making me come out of my hole that I lived in for two days, and she might have gotten me drunk in the process ;-]  I have seen a different side to my parents, and I am so grateful that I have! They have been 100% completely supportive over the last week (I like to refer to it as the week from hell!) 

I have always been a full on believer in everything happening for a reason.  There is a hidden reason that this bomb was dropped on me.  It sucks right now, but someone told me that you will understand life backwards, but you have to live it forwards.  So one day, hopefully soon, I will understand why this has happened to me. In the meantime, my car radio is mocking me! The day after the bomb came, I am getting in my car to drive to work and the song "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter came on the radio. I thought to myself, "Yes, this is not the best day!"  I made it all through work and as I am leaving, the song "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey comes on the radio.  I swear this is either the world mocking me, or God letting me know that he is thinking of me.  I am hoping for the latter!

The whole point of this soppy message is no matter how well you plan, life is going to throw you curve balls.  The real trick is how you handle them!

Thanks for reading!

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